Good morning.
Remember to read for 20 minutes today and have another go at your spellings and (Y2s) times tables. Don’t forget you can email us if you have any questions about the learning or want to send any photos in of what you’re up to.
Count in 10s singing along with the song –
The challenge is at the bottom of the slide : choose any number between 0-9 and add 10 as many times as you can.
Go on a phoneme (sound) hunt around your house looking for orange sounds in words.
Write a list of the words you find.
eg chips, coin, dish, spoon
Challenge : put the words you have found into sentences.
Play some phonics games on Phonics Play.
Topic : Drama/movement (performing poetry)
Read the poem a few times during the day. See if you can recite it from memory. Add some actions to match the words.
Challenge : find the rhyming words in the poem and write some more words that rhyme.