Week Commencing 01.02.20: Home Learning

Friday 29 January 2021






Book of the week- Click here to watch the story Dear Zoo or read the book if you have it at home.

Questions to discuss-

Why was the elephant sent back?

Which animal was described as being too fierce?

Why do you think he kept the puppy and not any of the other animals?
Which animal would you like? Why?

Phonics- th

Click here to watch today’s phonics video

Activity 1:  Look at the picture. What can you see?

Parents: Read this sentence aloud – A moth on the grass.
Remember to use a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop.
Below are the steps we use to help us with our writing.
1. Say the sentence aloud.
2. Count the words.
3. Segment each word apart from the tricky words.
4. Read your sentence to check it makes sense!

Activity 2: Have a go at blending the phase 3 ‘th’ real and nonsense words. Click here to either print it, or view on screen.

Maths- White Rose Maths: Growing 6, 7, 8!- Week 2.

Click here to be taken to the correct web page. Choose Session 1.

Activity: Click here for today’s activity.  If you do not have a printer, draw and make your own memory cards. This will work just as well for the activity!

Tuesday Phonics- ng

Click here to watch today’s phonics video

Activity 1:  Play Musical Blending.
1. Choose a favourite song.
2. Dance away until an adult stops the music.
3. When the music stops, blend one of these words.
4. Repeat until you have read all of the words.

Activity 2: Read the sentence and have a go at writing your own sentence using one of these words.

Maths- White Rose Maths: Growing 6, 7, 8!- Week 2.

Click here to be taken to the correct web page. Choose Session 2.

Activity: Click here for today’s activity. Take photos of your pairs and send them to your class teacher(s).

Wednesday Phonics- ai

Click here to watch today’s phonics video

Activity 1: Play the Picnic on Pluto game on Phonics Play.
Parents: Click here > Login in using Sphere (username) Spher3 (password) > Resources > Phase 3 > Picnic on Pluto > Start > Phase 3 > +ai

Activity 2: Look at the pictures on this document. Segment and write the words to match the pictures. You could print these phoneme frames, or draw your own. Parents: If you are unsure, click here to view the words.

Maths- White Rose Maths: Growing 6, 7, 8!- Week 2.

Click here to be taken to the correct web page. Choose Session 3.

Activity: Click here for today’s activity.

Thursday Phonics- Tricky word – my

Click here to watch today’s phonics video.

Activity 1:  Tricky Word Puzzles
1. Write each tricky word on a piece of paper. Click here to see if you have used all the tricky words.
2. Get an adult to tear each tricky word into separate letters.

3. Can you put the letters in the correct order?

Activity 2:  Tricky Word Hunt
1. Write each tricky word on separate pieces of paper.
2. Get an adult to hide them around your house or garden.
3. Have fun hunting for tricky words.

Activity 3: Rainbow write tricky words. Choose some bright coloured pens or pencils to practise spelling all of the phase 2 tricky words (the, to, I, no, go, into) and the phase 3 tricky words you know so far (he, she, we, me, be, my).

Below is an example of how to do rainbow writing.

Maths-  White Rose Maths: Growing 6, 7, 8!- Week 2.

Click here to be taken to the correct web page. Choose Session 4.

Activity: Click here for today’s activity.  If you do not have a printer, you could draw your own domino circuit. This will work just as well for the activity!

Friday Understanding the World with Professor Myers; Friction Experiment-

Click here to watch this week’s video with Professor Myers.

-Using a variety of toys, carry out your own friction experiment. Before you carry out your experiment, remember to predict which toys you think will travel fast or slow. You could sort them into two groups.

– After the experiment, draw and label your results.

Story time- The Tiger Who Came to Tea with Mrs Kirby

Questions to discuss:

1.Imagine if a different animal came to tea. How would they behave?

2.How would your family react if a tiger wanted to come to tea?

3.The author uses the words ‘big’, ‘furry’ and ‘stripy’ to describe the tiger. Can you think of any more adjectives?

4. The tiger wasn’t very polite when he ate all of Sophie’s food. Can you think of some manners that he should need to remember when he visits someone else’s house?


Story Link activities to select throughout the week


  1. In class, use Talk4Writing actions to help us retell and act out the stories we learn. After listening to the story, see if you can come up with some actions. You could get an adult to record you and send it to your class teacher!
    To help you get started, click here to watch an example.
  2. Dear Zoo is a ‘lift-the-flap’ book. Make your own ‘lift-the-flap’ book. You could choose your favourite animals to be underneath each of the flaps. Then, write a sentence underneath each flap. For each sentence try to write the name of the animal and a describing word.

A writing reminder…
How did your child find the writing activity? Remember, it’s okay for things to be spelt phonetically. It is important that your child grows into an independent learner. Encouraging your child to write the words as they sound rather than always spelling them correctly. We encourage the children to use their own skills, rather than copying an adult.


Understanding the World

Choose an animal from the book. With the help of an adult, research and find out information about that animal.
Where is its natural habitat? What does it eat? What does it like to do? When the animal lives in a zoo, what does a zookeeper need to do to look after it?
You could use this website or find one of your own.

1. Choose two or three animal toys. Go on a hunt around your house for different containers. Explore which containers your animals will fit in. Can you explain why they fit in some containers but not others?

2.Patterns are everywhere! Can you recognise any of these animal patterns? Draw your own animal pattern on a piece of paper.

Expressive Arts and Design
Make a lion mask.

Paper plate
1 sheet of yellow and orange paper

1. Cut out the inside of a paper plate, leaving only the outside circle.
2. Cut strips of yellow and orange paper.
3. Glue the yellow and orange paper to the paper plate circle, creating a lion’s mane.
4. Make sure they give a loud ROAR!

 Physical Development

  1. Get moving and dance along to these songs!

Animal Boogie

Let’s go to the Zoo

  1. Make a paper chain snake. This is a great funky fingers activity!
    Paper (any colours you’d like to use)
    Googly eyes
    1. First, decide on which colours you want to use. You could use two or three colours and try to make your snake a repeating pattern, for example, red, orange, red, orange.
    2. Cut strips of each colour.
    3. With an adult, use a stapler or glue to connect the chains.
    4. Add a head by cutting out a triangle and gluing it to the first chain. You could also add a tail!
    5. Glue googly eyes on the head and add a red tongue, then you’re done!



Get ready for next week’s Dough Disco!
To make sure you are prepared and ready to get your fingers moving, use this simple recipe to make some dough at home.
If you don’t have any dough you can still join in!