3 April 2020 : Home learning

Friday 03 April 2020

Happy Friday everyone. Hope you’ve enjoyed this week’s learning. You could ask someone to give you a little spelling test/times table test on this week’s lists. Also, remember to read for 20 minutes today.


Maths fluency is like becoming fluent in reading – it involves lots of practising. Have a go at the fluency questions below. Some you might be able to do in your head or you might prefer to draw it or use equipment (or fingers). Write the questions and answers in your home learning book.


Go on a noun hunt around your house. Write a list of the nouns you find eg spoon, dog, garden.


Challenge: Put those words into sentences. Remember your ‘must dos’.

Topic – Science

We were due to do a science investigation about floating and sinking. You could have a go at home though! Find some toys or items from around your house. Check with as adult that it is ok to put them in water. Then predict whether each item will float or sink. Check if your prediction was correct by putting the items in a bowl or container of water (or you could do it at bath time if you’re allowed).

Draw or write lists of the items that float and the items that sink. What do you think that is?