Our whole-school homework this week is:
Reading: please make sure your child is reading on a daily basis.
Number Fact Fluency: Use Numbots or Times Table Rock Stars in regular short bursts.
Talk Time
This week’s Talk Time links to Science.
What’s growing?
As the season changes from Winter to Spring, you’ll begin to notice changes in gardens, parks, fields and any other green spaces! You may see flowers starting to bloom or new leaves starting to grow on trees. It’s a wonderfully magical time of year. This week, we’d like you to observe the different changes that you spot in your locality.
You could work scientifically by:
- recording your observations by taking photographs or sketching flowers
- using books or internet research to identify flowers
- spotting patterns relating to where particular flowers are growing eg sunny or shady spots
- identifying if all deciduous trees are sprouting new leaves at the same time