12 May 2020: Home learning

Monday 11 May 2020

Interactive lesson

Literacy Activity – Role play

Ask your child to take your lunchtime order – try and make it really extravagant!
They can use their exercise book or a piece of paper to write it down in a list using their phonic knowledge.E.g. I would like…
a hotdog with ketchup,
some crisps,
an ice cream… and more.

Expect to see phonetically plausible words such as sum crisps, an ighs creem.

Take it in turns to take eachothers order.



You can count just about anything! Have a go at counting different actions. Have a go at these…
10 star jumps
5 claps
3 shoulder shrugs
6 clicks
Can you think of anymore?


Write out the numbers 0-20 on some paper or card, cut them up and then ask a grownup to mix the numbers up – don’t peek! Then, see how quickly you can put them into the correct order.

You could ask someone to time you and then see if you can get faster when you try again.